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This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by
a begotten being is created by the parents
a begotten being is of lower rank than the begetter
Adoptionism is true
Christianity has no reason to deviate from the tradition of the Spirit being an emphatic presence of God
Evangelical Trinitarianism
Essential Trinitarianism is true
Eternal Conscious Torment is the true Protestant Hell
Father, Son and Spirit are composed of the same ousia
firstborn in Col 1.15 means that x Jesus is eternal
firstborn in Ps 89.27 means that x Jesus is eternal
God being both unbegotten and begotten accords with God's simplicity
x God exists outside Father, Son, and Spirit
God exists
God exists outside Father, Son, and Spirit
God's fatherhood either describes His nature and essence or His activity
God will provide more Scripture to reveal new aspects about Himself
God works in perichoresis
If God exists as an idea in the mind, He must exist outside the mind
It is not that there is a redemptive purpose in continuing evil for all eternity
Jesus claimed to be God
Jesus did things only God could do
Jesus is homoousious to the Father
Jesus was a mere man
Jesus was begotten in all the same ways a human is begotten
x 1st Century Jews believed God's oneness denied multiple consciousnesses
Many in Jesus' day claimed that He was God
Modalism is true
Old Testament Jews always considered the Spirit as an emphatic presence of God
only one God exists
only one God exists means that God is only one consciousness
Sample statement
Scripture demonstrates perichoresis
Sample statement
Sample statement
the ecumenical councils held that the son is not the Spirit
the Father and Son are characteristically different
The Father is fully God
x the Father is the Son
the Father is the Son
The Laws of Logic Hold Universally
the Scripture we have today will forever give us a sufficient understanding of God
the Son has always been fully God
the Son is less divine than the Father
x the Son is the Spirit
the Son is the Spirit
the Spirit is fully God
x the Spirit is the Father
the Spirit is the Father
the Spirit possesses abilities only God could have
the Spirit proceeds from the Father
the Spirit speaks
the universe demands a reason for existing
the universe has a cause of its existence
Tips on contributing
x a begotten being is created by the parents
x Adoptionism is true
x Father, Son and Spirit are composed of the same ousia
x firstborn in Col 1.15 means that x Jesus is eternal
x firstborn in Ps 89.27 means that x Jesus is eternal
x God being both unbegotten and begotten accords with God's simplicity
x God's Fatherhood either describes His nature and essence or His activity
x God will provide more Scripture to reveal new aspects about Himself
x Jesus is eternal
x Jesus was a mere man
x Jesus was begotten in all the same ways a human is begotten
x Modalism is true
x only one God exists means that God is only one consciousness
x the Son always existed
x the Son has always been fully God
x the Son is less divine than the Father
x the Spirit speaks
xEternal Conscious Torment is the true Protestant Hell
xGod continuing evil for all eternity is consistent with His justice
xGod's permission of Eternal Conscious Torment is consistent with His justice
xGod's permission of Eternal Conscious Torment is consistent with His love
ยท Last modified: 2024/09/19 16:45 by
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